Customer Testimonials

"I have had irritable bowel syndrome for 30 years. Anyone that has it knows how debilitating it is. I took about 4 ounces per day for 4 weeks and my associated symptoms are gone. I finally have my life back. It may not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me. "

John R

Albany, MO

"I have had psoriasis since I was 18. I am now 88 years old and have tried everything available. I have taken 4-6 ounces for about 5 weeks or so and my psoriasis is gone. This probiotic is wonderful!"

Gilbert R.

Columbia, IL

I want to thank you so much for supplying me with your probiotic. You have no idea what this means to me. I was in the E.R. & they did another cat scan of my lumps & for the last 6 months my bacteria has not grown & actually is slightly better! (This is a first!) This is huge for me and says a lot for your product. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Diana H.

Defiance, MO

I have had a bad case of COPD. I took New Life Probiotics each day and misted some in my lungs as well. After 2 weeks I no longer need to use my inhaler. Great product!"

Bob B.

Garland, TX

"I have had IBS for a few years. After only 5 days I can already say that it makes a difference. I feel great and I have not felt this way for some time."


Columbia, IL


Since using New Life Probiotics, my digestive issues have improved as well as having less acid reflux.  I also have noticed fewer and less severe headaches associated with degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine.  I have also stopped taking Aleve daily for knee pain.  Hopefully with continued use, there will be further improvements in my overall general health.

Susan B.


 New Life Probiotics have apparently been the reason for decreased symptoms related to years of indigestion.  I have not taken anything else for this problem, so I feel I can safely give credit where it is due.

J. Baker



After taking New Life Probiotics, I no longer am taking cholesterol medication.  My last blood work was the best in years, and I feel I have more energy on a daily basis.  Thanks to the New Life team!



While I realize probiotics are mainly for good "gut health", since taking New Life Probiotics, I can honestly say that I have less stress and anxiety.  This is a bonus to seeing improvements in my digfestive issues.

Christy H.


 I began taking New Life Probiotics once I was diagnosed with shingles.  Within seven to ten days, I was asymptomatic.  I will continue to use New Life as I feel it will have other positive effects on my health and hopefully boost my imune system.

Don G.



I have been using over the counter probiotics for many years with no real improvement in my irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.  New Life Probiotics is the first one to make a noticeable difference.  With improved regularity, I have more energy and look forward to continued improvement as I make this my daily regimen.

P. Starmer



 New Life Probiotics has helped my UTI.  After 3 series of antibiotics I took 4 oz a day and have had no reoccurrence or symptoms.  I have even missed some days and am still doing well.  Overall I have increased energy and activity because I feel healthy.  I plan to continue taking and will need more soon.  Thanks!

Darrell, Branson West, MO


 Since drinking New Life Probiotics, my psoriasis on my legs is gone, and the other affected areas on my stomach and arm have greatly improved.  Usually during the winter months, those areas are very thick and flake off deeply.  I stopped taking prescription medication due to the possible side effects and feel very pleased at the progress without fear.  That means a lot.



Since taking New Life Probiotics, my blood pressure, which had been increasingly high, has lowered to normal range.  It was my goal to lower it without taking prescription blood pressure medication, and I feel that the probiotics have allowed that to happen.  I have also noticed a more regular digestive track.



I took New Life Probiotics more as a precautionary measure at first, and then did not realize how it had changed my comfort level until I stopped taking it.  I had become used to ankle, knee and back pain associated with aging and the arthritis that comes with it. The pain had diminished and then stopped, but I just thought the weather or activity level had changed.  After not using the probiotics for just a week there was significant pain again in my ankles and knees.  It occurred to me that I should try the New Life Probiotics again.  I started drinking it twice a day and now am pain free again.  I should never have stopped.  It won't happen again.
